Due to environmental deterioration (global warming), and inadequate farm inputs and materials, the trade is dwindling at an alarming rate worthy of consideration. The foundation deem it necessary to give attention to support some progressive communities in their agricultural activities in terms of input supplies and farm implements.
The womenfolk of Africa suffer the most when it comes to child up-bringing and care of the homestead. They play the most roles in the provision of food for consumption within the households and other income generation activities by which other they can fend for social activities as embedded in our cultures. We know women and girls have a unique power to reshape societies. When you invest in a woman’s health and empowerment, it has a ripple effect, helping families, and communities, achieve long-lasting benefits. Our goal is to enable thousands of women and communities on the frontline of the fight against hunger to respond to a changing climate, to become more resilient and productive, and to secure access to the land and natural resources on which they depend. Please donate to help people build better lives for themselves, and for others.